Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lost proofing - continued


Its something everyone fears and if you have ever spent enough time in nature, most likely you have felt that wave of panic that can roll over you.  Panic, unchecked can lead to shock, which can lead to death.  Having some good outdoor skills is critical to prevent a disaster from ever being a possible scenario.

Survival skills give you an added confidence and insurance in a worst case situation from ever happening.

What do you do if you ever find yourself lost?

Sit down and evaluate your situation.  Teach your children to do the same.  Roll play it out.

Think yourself through your landmarks, do this with your kids as well.  Look in all directions, try to find those familiar landmarks.  You most likely will be able to backtrack your trail and in case not, the next steps can be calmly planed.

Teach your kids and yourself to become familiar with your own track.  Size, shoe print (design of tread), stride length, will allow you to backtrack your trail to safety as well.

Equip your children with a whistle as well.  Kids like whistles, sound travels pretty well and sound can be a good mechanism to catch peoples attention.

If night is coming on, it is time to get into survival mode.  ( Learning how to live and make a camp outdoors with what you have available to you ,as well as, and using your natural surrounding to your advantage).

What do you do if your Child is lost?

Try not to panic, again it is a level head that will have the greatest chance of overcoming the immediate situation.  Secondly, call the authorities!  Describe your child, what they are wearing, age, where were they last seen, and any other details you can.

If you are confident enough in your abilities, start a search with others.  ONLY IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCED!  Becoming lost yourself will not help.

I truly recommend learning some basic survival skills to ensure a safe and joyous time in Nature.  How to make a quick, emergency shelter, fire by natural friction type methods using wood only, how to find water and more.  It will increase your confidence and lesson your worry tremendously.  Not to mention, children have so much fun learning these skills as well!

If you live on or near Taiwan you can look up our school by going to:

Friday, January 4, 2013

Lost proofing yourself and children/ Chinese and English

With the infinite outdoors skills one can learn, far and away the most important skill is learning how not to get lost.
What contributes to being lost ?
The first factor is time, we usually have only a limited amount of time to hike, walk, camp. The second factor is having a particular place to go, and the third is, not having the adequate survival skills to live and exist in the natural surroundings you find yourself in at that particular time.
Even the most skilled outdoors man can and has gotten lost, even if for a short period of time. There is no such thing as having " a sense of direction". Those that say they have such a sense or nothing more than aware of their surroundings, sun position, weather and a few other factors. So to the untrained these people appear to have almost super human powers.
Here is a test you can do with your friends or family. Find a flat level ground area like a ball field. One that is at least 50 meters long, even better if it is closer to 100 meters long. Have each family member pick out a marker that is directly across the field from them. Now blindfolded, have them walk a straight line to that marker (tree, post...). What you will find is that no one will be able to do it. Why? We are all dominant with one foot or the other. So as we stride and step, we will begin to veer off line as we walk.
So why is this important? In the wilderness, if we were lost and began walking, we can potentially walk in a circle without even knowing.
So, first off, to remove the possibility of getting lost, you must acquaint yourself with the area you will be traveling in. Maps are a good start. Study them with your children present. Highlight major man made features. ( towns, roads, railways ) as well as, general landscape features. ( rivers, streams , ocean, mountains, trails).
Second, teach yourself and children to not rely on sight alone. In heavy fog, rain or dense jungle sight is very limited. Learn to use your sense of smell, how ocean smells, rivers smell. They are quite different. Sounds is so important as well. What does a stream sound like? A road? The ocean?
Third, tell someone where you are going! Simple but rarely done.
Make sure very young children never wander off.
Teach yourself and children to keep in mind always the prominent features they can see on the horizon. The ones that do not move! Mountain peaks, ridges, ocean. NOT CLOUDS! These move. The sun is good to know, but will move across the sky. Mountain ridges will not. Understanding landmarks is also important. Trees, rocks, flowers, trees... Things that will reinforce our orientation.
- to be continued.
- 待續

Monday, December 3, 2012

How to find dry wood in a monsoon

How do you find dry wood to start a fire?

Especially when it has been raining for a week straight! 

Here on the Island of Taiwan it rains often... it rains more than often.  The location of this island along with the high mountains tends to make for a challenge when looking for dry wood to make a fire.  But even in the most extreme times, dry wood can still be found, and that could possibly be the difference between life and death.  Temperatures do not have to be very low to experience the symptoms of hypothermia. 
n          Uncontrollable shivering (although, at extremely low body temperatures, shivering may stop)
n          Weakness and loss of coordination
n          Confusion
n          Pale and cold skin
n          Drowsiness – especially in more severe stages
n          Slowed breathing or heart rate
n          If not treated promptly, lethargy, cardiac arrest, shock, and coma can set in.
n          Hypothermia can even be fatal.

So, being able to find, make and start a fire can be quite important. 

Find dry fire starting wood and tinder (flammable material that can take a flame easily in starting a fire).  Standing dead dry grasses, dry ferns, dead pine needles, dried moss, inner dead bark of certain types of trees, all can be used as tinder material.  Finding these materials standing vertically lessens moisture, under thick snags of growth limits moisture like an umbrella, Inner bark or phloem of some trees is excellent when dry to start fires.  Bamboo when brown and dead can be scraped for a tinder bundle. 

Thickness of starter wood should range from pencil lead thickness to about as thick as your thumb.  Having a good working pile of each is most desired.  Start by finding wood that is not laying on the ground.  Ground wood continually soaks up water and because wind and other factors that can help in drying it are limited, this is not preferred wood in starting a fire.  (You can use it, but not until your fire is going strong). 

Look for places where the thinnest of dry dead branches still remain on a tree.  In sheltered locations again preferred. Even if those thin, tiny branches are wet, they tend to dry very quickly because of their size and thickness.  If you find those thinnest of branches point upwards instead of downwards, even better.  Pointing downwards means the water from the tree is constantly dripping off them, continuing to soak those tips.  Branches that point to the sky tend to be dryer because the water is dripping off mid branch or running down the trunk.  Collect them and keep them off the ground!  Try to cover with leaves, branches or anything to limit water intake, until you are going to be ready to start a fire.

If you need, larger branches and logs are good sources for dry starter wood as well.  Hopefully you have a knife, machete, hatchet or sharp edge object that you can carve with.  Carving away the outer layers of wet branch usually reveals some dry wood inside.  Again, look for wood off the ground, maybe a dead branch broken off and snagged in another branch.  When you reach the dry layers, carve wood shavings as long as you can.  Again keep them dry!  

Always remember to practice skills important to your survival before actually needing them.  Next time we will cover how to build and light a fire in the wilderness when it is very wet.

If you have any questions or want further information, please go to

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Debris Hut paradise

  Never have I slept more soundly.  I lay in my bed, the bed I spent 3 hrs making.  Layers of ponderosa needles, white oak leaves and small bits of mountain mahogany leaf.   The smells are intoxicating, the blackness void of any light.  If you have never slept in a pine needle cocoon, well you have never had the sweetest smelling bedroom ever!

It took me about an hour to hike on trail and through the bush to get to my destination.  A destination without agenda, goal or purpose.  I just wanted to reach the deepest part of the mountain and enjoy the quiet and solitude.  But before I can relax, I have to make camp for  the day will eventually turn to night.  

I chose a spot with about a dozen mature Ponderous pines because the depth of the needles on the ground were plentiful.  So I found a good long downed branch about 3 meters long and layed it up onto a down tree about two feet off the ground.   Using a branch like a rake I began to rake up the surrounding needles and oak leaves.   I could just crawl into that massive pile and call it a night if I wanted, but I wanted to be sure to stay cozy warm in the temperatures that will definitely drop below 0 Celsius.  

So I need to collect a number of good support branches that look like your ribs and lay them up against that long branch.  Just like the ribs in your chest, these (ribs) ran the whole length of the log just waiting for the warming insulation of those pine needles.  

It took about another hour, but now I have enough.  They are a meter thick over the entire shelter.  Now I am ready for a little wander.  Down to the stream where the spring comes forth out of mother for a good long drink... now it is off to play.   

Not more than 50 meters away from my new home was a giant pile of pine nut shells and juniper berries.  Black bear came by.  Not real fresh but a great sign of bear activity getting ready for the oncoming winter.  A Coopers hawk comes whizzing past my head, I must be close to her nest.  Coyotes calls in the distance.  Night is coming soon.  

I collected two pocket fulls of pinon pine nuts and two flat rocks and proceeded to make a nutty mash for dinner.  After finishing my absolutely favorite nut I whipped out the bow drill  and had me a nice fire to enjoy the transition to night.  

Now the night is overcoming the day.  Cicada's give way to Crickets.  Bluejay's give way to horned owls.  I love that one hour transition of life that takes place around sunset.  Now I will let the fire die and retire to my pine needle cocoon.  

I wake to, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff.  It is all around me.  I am still half asleep but wake quickly.  What am I surrounded by.  Hungary Coyotes, BEARS!  Lay there quietly Mike.  About 5 minutes go by and it is quiet, so I remove my shelter door and slowly peak out.  There in the morning dusk was no less than 15 beautiful deer.  They must have been confused by my shelter and smells as much as I was confused waking to that strange sound.  I laid there for ten minutes and we watched each other.  Enjoying each others company, what a great start to the day.  

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Nature's Gift

What would you say is the greatest gift you have received upon birth?  Without question I would say Awareness.  We are all born with it.  It is a physical, mental and spiritual connectivity to everything that is around you.  A connectivity that does not have to be thought about to activate.  Awareness should be there like a close friend in times of need, always by our side.  Awareness should keep us in a flow with our surroundings like a surfer moving along that perfect wave always in touch no matter what variable arises, with the ability to change at precisely the right moment.

The great sadness I have is that most everyone walking the Earth right now has lost touch with this most precious gift.  We have allowed outside forces to deaden or even kill our great gift of Awareness, making it look like the need for Awareness does not exist. It is looked upon as almost like the bodies need for the appendix, like a distant remnant needed in prehistoric times only.  The routine of daily life, the encapsulation of modern society seeking to always encourage comfort and safety, the lack of close involvement with Mother Earth, as well as our insatiable need to make lots of $ changing our priorities in daily life, these are the factors at work taking this precious gift from each and everyone of us.

Why is Awareness important? 

If I ask you to consciously climb into a box, one where I will feed what I want you to eat, cloth you with what I want you to wear, house you where and how I want you to live, and provide safety the way I deem fit.  Could you live in my box?  Would you want to live in my box?  If you answer “no” to any of that, then let s take this a bit farther…

Right now in your life, do you feel a void?  Do you feel like something is missing?  Maybe you go shopping for a new dress, or even buy a new car and just a day later or even a moment later you feel no more joy or thrill?  Do you want to know more about the mountains, ocean or that magnificent sunset, and be connected as if you were that mountain, that ocean, that sunset?

Most people do not even consider these questions of disconnect, however, they experience them on a daily basis.  Why?  Because we are now a species of life that only knows actions.  We use our physical senses and logical mind solely.  A people moving along with a way of life that moves at a break neck pace.  No time for deep thought, contemplation, or Awareness.  Out of step with what we really are.  Remember, our ancestors rubbed sticks together to make a fire for thousands of years. Finding the wood, making the tool by hand, collecting firewood, then making a fire, yet we think it is more normal to just drive up to a window ask for a burger and 1 minute later we are eating.  

Being Aware is being receptive, not just being reactive.  Once you are receptive to the regarded information, you then respond accordingly to that processed stimuli.  This is really a simple process, but very hard to do in today’s world.

This is why nature is such a crucial teacher when it comes to reawakening our abilities of Awareness.  Nature comes with its own built in lessons.  These lessons are personalized for each and every one of us to hear.  Nature teaches at the exact speed needed for you to listen, and gives you the exact lesson that you need at any one particular time.  We just have to get our selves in rhythm with nature and Mother Earth once again.  Easily said, not as easily done.

To become receptive and not reactive, one needs to be in nature, to simply observe nature and the dynamics that go on with all life.  In doing this, you will slow down to the speed or pace of nature which is very slow and deliberate, like the drip of water from a faucet.  It is this slow pace that allows for nature to unload her knowledge upon you.

Nature is a beacon or guiding light to that great missing piece called Awareness. It is available to everyone, no purchase is necessary, and the lessons are universal to each and every one of us.    

Friday, July 13, 2012

Fire IS Life 火是生命

Fire IS Life

Fire is as alive as you and I.

 Fire is conceived

 Fire grows.

 Fire matures.

 Fire dies.

Mans very existence is tied to his close relationship to fire.

Fire cooks our food.

Fire helps in making our tools.

Fire keeps us warm.

Fire fills our soul.

Fire keeps us safe.

Fire strengthens our soils.

Fire enriches the forest.

Fire cleanses our waters.

Fire comforts us.

Fire is our companion.

Fire brings people together.

Fire connects us to the spirit realm.

Where would man be without this great gift of fire?

Thank you fire.  Thank you.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fox Walking

The Sandia Mountains outside Albuquerque New Mexico have been closed to human activity for the past month.  It is early June, temperatures are soaring close to 100f, 36c.  It has not rained in nearly 4 months, not a drop.  There are those who either are clueless to the closure of the wilderness, although that is nearly impossible since there are huge signs at every entry location of the mountain saying, high fire risk, closed until further notice. Or there are people who simply ignore the signage and go in anyway.

I just can not resist the temptation to find them and practice a little tracking as well.  Besides, I am a noted volunteer who is allowed into the mountain area, legally.  Did I mention that it was my day off so I do not have to be in full polyester uniform and badge?  I just so happen to have on my moccasins (dear skin, brain tanned) for silent movement and a bit of natural camouflage that I applied at a small natural spring to blend with the mountain landscape.

In the Elena Gallegos city park I noticed a set of prints, human tracks moving off trail and crossing the wire fence which just so happens to come very close to the wilderness boundary   at this particular point.  From the size of the prints, stride of the steps and the synchronicity of their steps, it is definitely a couple.  Most likely holding hands, looking for a little quiet and most likely romantic location.  So being the sport that I am, I decided to allow them time to enjoy aw....  the scenery.

I will check on them a bit later, just to make sure they  make it to their cars and out of the wilderness.

So instead, I will take advantage of a mountain that has had very little human activity for over a month.  You take the humans away and the mountain activity comes alive!

I spotted a group of deer track, quite fresh and decided to follow these track for a bit to see what I could find. I often start with a track, or some other interesting subject that catches my eye.  A rare flower in bloom or a call of a hawk and see where that leads. Wandering and allowing my surrounding to dictate my day is such a great freedom.  One I wish I could bottle and hand out to everyone.

 Back to the track.  These deer were on a easterly trek, moving at a very leisurely pace, why?  Their stride of step was very short, often stopping to browse and zig zagging back and forth like if drunk.   I was starting to lose interest in the track just as I sat down, as a Coopers hawk landed on a wire from an old boundry fence built by sheep ranchers early in the last century.  It was only three feet over my head!  By the looks of it, this hawk was very young.  It was covered in mostly white down and features.  So as I normally do I greeted my new friend.  "Hello young one", I called out.  The hawk merely tilted its head, looked down at me and turned its head away.  So I decided to ask its name, then where it lives, where is its mom, what has it eaten today... This went on for at least twenty minutes.

I came to the conclusion that I was the first human he got a look at and was learning about me, as much as I was learning about it. I guess he got enough of my babbling and flew off down the canyon out of sight.

If nothing else happened today I had a great day!  I made a new friend.

 But was there more to come?    

I was now getting a bit warm and wanted to move closer to the Domingo Baca arroyo that was still running with nice cool mountain water from a good snow pack this past winter.  The animal track and sign was just incredible.  Coyote tracks everywhere, cottontail and jackrabbit tracks were the reason.  Pack rats have built a new home in between two watermelon colored granite rocks.  Roadrunner track, look at the claws on that one!  Gambel's quail, looks like 5, no 6 of them.  The mountain is so alive, if man could just decrease his impact.  Lessen his indicators, maybe more could see all of what is happening here.  But most humans can not, or will not take the time to see, feel, hear what is going on around them.

 I was moving now into the more densely  vegetated area closer to the water, which I can now hear.  The water is running well, the mountain and its life is well nourished.  I decided to take off my moccasins and step into the ankle deep waters.  Cold, but so refreshing.  I hid my mocs and decided to walk up the waters for a bit, or until my feet go numb.  Over a boulder, under some fallen maple branches, move the horsetail and step through the drinking hummingbirds.  Just then.

As I rounded a huge granite boulder, right in front of me, is a silver backed black bears butt!  Right in my face!  I did not hear it or smell it because of the waters. He did not see me, smell me or hear me because of blind luck?  The wind was moving off the mountain towards me! Could not smell me.  I was walking up stream, no indicators in the water. I am 3 feet from the dominant male bear in this section of mountain.  I have seen him and his track and sign for years, now I get a personal upclose encounter.

The first thing I need to do is get my heart beat under control.  Next, I do not look at him straight on.  Wide angle vision to watch this magnificent animal, I do not want to seem a threat.  I now slowly back away to a safe distance.  I can smell him good now, musty sweaty smell.  I will never forget.    I am now on the opposite side of the stream standing behind a ponderosa pine tree that masks my scent a bit, at least I was hoping.   This silver back I now called gramps, because of the gray hair on his back, still shows no fear or indcator of knowing I am here.  I get to watch him overturn a rotting Pinon pine log and eat the harvest of ants and termites from the fallen tree.

What seems like an hour was really only 10 minutes or so.  I have seen many bear in my life, but this is the first time I felt a part of the surroundings.  Granted the privilege of this great treat, or was I fooling myself?  Was it that he was content and groggie with a full stomach?  No.  I really believe it was because for the past hours I was fox walking, walking softly on the earth, kicking up little in the way of indicators.  Not disturbing the natural flow of the area that did this.  My body was quiet, my mind was quiet and my spirit connected to my surroundings.

As I watched gramps move over the ridge and out of sight, I thought back to what a day it was.  The blessings I was given, the lessons in life shared.  I have seen gramps a few times since that day and who knows, I have seen so many coopers hawk, but none that has landed so close again.  It is this day that helps  me when I am feeling a disconnect from things.  Or a disappointment in an outcome.

Clear the mind, quite the body, fox walk in flesh and spirit makes the difference.  And who knows, great gifts you may receive.

And for that couple who went through the fence and into the mountain wilderness?  That is for another day...